词语吧>英语词典>get wise翻译和用法

get wise

[美国俚语];了解到真实情况;得知(他人的)秘密;知道;识破, 察觉;醒悟, 警觉(常与 to 连用)


  • The concept "security through obscurity" is well known and well derided because doing things in an obscure way, hoping that no one will get wise to your method, is just asking for problems.
  • However, when you get that sinking feeling, and you know a position is a poor match for your skills or temperament, you are wise to pass.
  • When blows overtake the man of pride, the simple will get sense; say sharp words to the wise, and knowledge will be made clear to him.
  • When analysing private banking performance during times of crisis, one is reminded of the saying that the smart person knows how to get out of a hole that the wise would have avoided in the first place.
  • The older I get it seems the more I realize how very wise and understanding she has always been.
  • "Know yourself" said the Oracle, but she spoke in riddles and the men who had come a long way to get a simple answer from her wise lips went away even more confused.
  • Life's tragedy is that we get old too soon and wise too late.
  • If you get caught up in an emotional melodrama today, it would be wise to stand back from the situation in order to reassess your involvement.
  • Metadata is an area that I expected to get ugly ( code wise) in a tool like this.
  • Go to bed early, get up early-this is wise.